Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nothing to Do

As the all-so-important ( yeah right ) end-of-year exams draw closer ( one week! ), oddly, instead of paying more attention in class and studying frantically at every sane ( and several insane ) opportunities, we have been paying less and less attention, doing less and less work, and ignoring more and more and more. Well, at least me and the people I usually spend time with.

The reason for this drop in productivity is not Live ( after some stuff happened it all got a little weird ) but it's those pencil-and-paper games where you take a pencil, draw some stuff, flick the pencil around, make pretend explosion noises with your mouth ( bchht! ) and draw blood absolutely everywhere.

So far, I count four separate games which use this formula. You've probably played at least one if you're reading this; unless you're a girl ( do girls even visit this blog? ) in which case you've probably played zero. Zero all productivity!

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