Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just started studying for the end-of-year examinations two days ago, and I remember why I hated studying so much in the first place. It's the first time I've done any discernible amount of studying in three, maybe four, months. I'm not even studying that much, just about twenty to thirty minutes a day. On top of that, I don't even have any tuition ( yay ).

But I still hate it. Just like I hate sushi ( I don't really know why; probably because I was young and for some reason the smell made me want to throw up so I never really tried eating it again ). But yeah, I'm only going to have to study even more for what is mostly comprised of things that I probably wouldn't need at all were it not for the exams.

I don't go to school to get As, for fecks ( family-friendly f*ck! ) sake, I do it to learn the things that I need to learn. In that sense, Australian school wins hands-down.

P.S. Two people want me to repeat the question ( on the poll ), which makes me wonder why I put the bloody option there in the first place; the question is "Should I Kill This Blog???" you blind weirdos.

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