Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Too Lazy

For certain reasons, I'm far too lazy to post anything right now, so i shall kindly link you somewhere else. Enjoy.

My Flash animations and comics:

A wonderful browser-based RPG that I demand you join:

Take your pick.

P.S. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Ho Ho Ho, Merry, uh, Boxing Day. Yeah, I'm kind of a day late for posting but whatever. Tis' the season for procrastination. Anyway... Presents! Woo Hoo! So yeah I got this toy lemur ( a ring-tailed lemur, no less ) which is exceptionally soft. On top of that was some Belgian chocolate ( from Belgia(?), no less ) and also this wonderful little gadget called 20Q. Oh, and a book ( made of paper, no less ). Anyway, this 20Q thing is awesome. Basically, it's an electronic game of twenty questions, with you thinking of something, and it asking twenty questions and then figuring out what it is. It's amazingly good, figuring out obscure stuff like air conditioner, pie, black hole, electricity and, uh lemur. Yeah.

Anyway, today ( boxing day - although I've no idea why it's called that - I shall Wiki it ) I went to play footsall with Brandon, Vivek, Der Cheng, and Nicholas ( from Canada, no less ) and it basically proved that I still suck. Anyway, it was still fun, until everything devolved into a mindless conversation about Mouse Hunt. I mean, come on.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Easy Come Easy Go

A basic rule of thumb that you can carry with you for your whole life is that if something seems to good to be true, it is. On the flipside, if something seems like it can't get any worse, it probably will. But enough pessimistic ( bordering on emo - man I hate emo ) crap. The point is for the past two weeks I've had the power of the supermagical interwebs ( aka, the internet ) at my new house ( I only ever used to have it in my old house, hence the constant ferrying back and forth. On a footnote, the terms "old" and "new" are completely relative; my new house isn't that new, but my old house really is quite old ). But all good things must come to an end ( a sentence I've heard a lot on those bloody arcade coin machines that last 15 seconds ).

Anyway, the bottom line is that thanks to a ridiculous "data limiter whatsamacallit" I can't use the internet in my new house again until next month. Which is precisely why I'm writing this at my old house. Oh well, easy come easy go. In other news, I shall be going to a CF Christmas Party later today, which should be fun. Yay. And in other, other news, my Team Fortress 2 statistics page shows that I've had a total playtime of around 150 hours. I bet if I put my massive brain and towering intellect to something more useful ( ie, curing cancer ) I would have succeeded by now.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Flash Games

I have since acquired a taste for Flash games of all types ( although preferably ones that feature explosions ) because of the fact that I now have internet in my new house, but am not allowed to download or install anything with it. Which is fine, because I've found a few gems of the browser game world. Firstly there's Fancy Pants Adventures 1 and 2, which are both really fun to play, sort of like Mario but you're a stick man with bright orange pants ( eventually you get to unlock different colours ). The second is longer, and more fun ( the boss is an angry rabbit that hops around infuriatingly ) but both are worth playing.

Secondly, for the all important kaboom requirement, there's Warfare 1917 and Warefare 1944. The first is, predictably, set in 1917 during the First World War, and the second during the Second World War. But enough history. The bottom line is, in both, you get to command tiny men to blow up tanks. And that's fun enough. The two games have four campaigns between them, and all are worth playing, to kill around two hours. All these games are completely free and don't require any installation or download. Thank God for interwebs.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Went to Jia Min's house a few days ago, with his awesome RM3,500 computer and all to waste a few hours playing Team Fortress 2. I also bought Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway ( which I am currently installing ) to play there too. Problem: after installation, it won't work. Which is odd, considering RM3,500 is a lot of money. After poking around a bit though, I find a wholly ridiculous problem with his computer and spend the next two hours basically as a repairman. An unpaid one. The problem was this: his graphics card was never being used. Not once. In other words, a very important part of his computer had not been functioning at all since he bought it ( six months ago ) and it took me to find that out and fix it. Oh well.

Oh, and I found this really fun ( if extremely violent ) werewolf hunter game ( it's free, in a browser ) called Vox Populi Vox Dei. I think. Just search "werewolf hunting game". Great way to kill time. That, and There is Only One Level and You Only Live Once are both excellent ways to waste time. Believe me, I know.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I'm blogging. Which is wholly unremarkable except for the fact that I'm doing this from my new house, which, until very recently ( four hours ago ) has been entirely devoid of the wonders of the supermagical interwebs ( AKA, the internet ). Now, though, thanks to a wireless Maxis modem, all is well in the universe. Almost. There are some niggling problems; firstly, it's about as stable as a mental patient and is really rather slow at times. So it's like an old mental patient. Even so, it's a whole lot better than nothing. At least now I can message - or at least I can once this blasted Windows Live update finishes downloading.

On another note, and excellent way to waste buckets of time is to visit the aptly named Failblog ( http://www.failblog.org/ ) which basically showcases hundreds of pages worth of epic fail. Utterly unmissable. Aaron introduced it, by the way, and another thing he showed me was Batman: Arkham Asylum which is an incredibly satisfying depiction of Batman beating up crazy people. Again, utterly unmissable. By the way, if Yi Fen is reading this, what happened to the afternoon session outing?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Waiting Game

I'm waiting right now. Waiting for a certain Shaun to come. I'm in a cybercafe now ( shocking, is it not? ) and Shaun, is, amazingly, late. As such, I have decided to update my blog, which I have not posted in for a week or so because I have inconveniently been in Singapore. Which, frankly, is a lot more fun than waiting for Shaun. I'm far too tired to describe everything that I did in Singapore at length, and thus I shall compress it as best ( lazily ) as I can. Okay, first, Night Safari. Orchard Road, Chinatown, Zoo, Clarke Quay, small hotel room. Lots of other stuff. Uhhh. Pictures coming soon. Possibly.

I am, however, not tired enough to stop me from going to a cybercafe and waiting for that blasted Shaun. "WHY YOU ALWAYS SO LATE AH!?" I'll also try to get Modern Warfare 2 up and running, which took a wholly ridiculous three and a half hours to install on my computer. Oh, and I bought season 2 of Life. Now... Shaun. He's fifteen minutes late now. And I rushed to be early. See how I'm clearly the more responsible one in this group?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm On a Committee?

I'm actually supposed to be going to a CF Camp Committee meeting later, presumably to discuss what we're going to be doing for the camp next year. This strikes me as odd because a) I had never, ever previously known that I was ever in a committee for anything and b) because I'm possibly the worst choice to pick for a Camp Committee because I am practically the only Form 2 CF member who hasn't been to either camp. Not a single one. Anyway, that's just as well, because I can't go, thanks to the "no transport" reason, which sucks. This does seem kind of familiar. Probably because I was invited to something very similar earlier and couldn't go because of "no transport".

On the bright side, however, I'm going to Singapore next Wednesday. This probably seems like nothing to shout about but the fact is, believe it or not, I have never, ever been to Singapore. In fact, I've only ever been to two countries in my entire life, namely Malaysia and Australia ( although I did spend a good four years there ). Speaking of Australia, I'll be going there for a two week holiday next year, the first time in six years. Yay!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Went to One Utama on Saturday. Played Counter-Strike. I sucked conspicuously. For the first half, at least. Then I was OK-ish. Jia Min sucked the whole time. Shaun likes shotguns. Brandon loves the AK. Jun Yee likes buying useless crap and then dying, thus driving our team into bankruptcy. Fun indeed. Then watched 2012, which had a lot more to do with stuff blowing up than an actual story. In fact, I can summarise it all thusly: First it was "Oh noes we are gonna die" followed by "BOOM" then was a plane so it went "SWOOSH" then there was a flood so it went "SPLASH" followed by a sigh of relief and a hearty "Glad that's over."

There was also an earthquake, a stupidly large volcano and a giant plane with some very nice cars in it too, but I can't quite remember where. And by the way, the world doesn't actually end. What a let-on. With all the explosions, satisfying, I guess, but not exactly moving. Then we tried playing Team Fortress 2. But we couldn't figure out how, despite the fact that the guys behind us quite clearly did. So we played Counter-Strike again. Darn you, Brandon.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


School after the exams has since degraded into a spectacularly unproductive mess ( in other words, just the way I like it ) and I honestly haven't had this much fun at school since post-UPSR Year Six. Basically, we've been playing cards, Killer ( which is oddly fun, because I've taken it as my personally duty to kill Jia Min as many times as I possibly can ) and Chess ( in which I checkmated Kylthur, which would be the first time I've checkmated anyone in a long time ). School is just really fun now. For the first time, I actually want to go. If you truly know me, that's an extraodinary statement. Although sadly this won't last long.

Oh yes, and there were also those Talent Show auditions, and most of them ( about one or two ) were pretty good ( although I regrettably did not see Sausages and Mash - best name ever ). I am however, not really in any position to judge, seeing as I'm not particularly good at singing, dancing or doing stuff with that big Chinese yoyo thingy. Anyway, as to what I'm doing at home, I've been watching the first season of Life which is really quite good and soon(ish) I should be going on an outing planned by Brandon ( which is nice because I've planned absolutely everything else ).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remember, Remember

The Fifth of November. Just saying, because V for Vendetta is one of my favourite movies ever ( although I never read the comic book, which came first, but I did read Watchmen though, which is by the same author - and widely recognised to be the greatest graphic novel of all time ). For the uninitiated, the 5th of November is Guy Fawkes Day, who was this guy who blew up something. Or something like that. Anyway, right now, as I write this, my internet has mysteriously died, so I'm typing this on Notepad, for the sole reason that I have absoluteley nothing better to do. I want my Internet! This hasn't happened in a while, which just makes it more jarring when it does, ( no Team Fortress 2 - nooo!! ) and I can only hope it fixes itself tomorrow.

Speaking of games, Boon Kuan, Jia Min and I have made yet another version of Total War on paper, which is just as well because there's nothing else to do in class since the exams are over. And I'm really glad - also because my results thus far have been really very good ( especially Math, which I struggled with in mid year - and I got an A for BM. An A! ). So good, in fact, that my overall average is now better than Jia Min. Which, as many of you know, is practically impossible, so thank God for that. Anyway, now, what to do. I was thinking of playing Total War ( the real one ) again, but my Egyptian campaign on Very Hard difficulty seems to be an exercise in futility. And frustration. Oh well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's All Over Again

Yay! It's over! Again! I must say, that was pretty annoying, but not nearly as bad as it could've been. And that's something I should get used to, seeing as there are many, many exams in my future. But I'm going to ignore that for now, because right now, I'm free! I'm almost euphoric right now, and I have every right to be, considering next year will be Form 3. But we'll get to that later. Yesterday, I celebrated my "holidays" with Yong Teng, Brandon and uh, Jezzey, playing Call fo Duty 4, 5, Company of Heroes ( in which I sucked ) and Counter Strike. Oh, and I also got a ( admittedly cheap ) birthday present for Alycia. Happy really quite belated birthday!

The next two weeks of school should be fun. It's everything I love about school ( friends, talking endlessly, and playing Live ) minus everyting I hate about school ( studying, homework, exams ) which should be very fun indeed. And on a final note, I have just finished reading An Abundance of Katherines, which is a book from the same guy who made Looking for Alaska, which is another book I talked about a long, long time ago. Anyway, if you do somehow manage to find either, do read them.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tagged by Brandon

Getting tagged is essentially a much quicker/easier way of typing a post, requiring little to no thought and/or imagination. And right now, I've just been tagged by Brandon ( actually it was quite a while ago but I just noticed ). You know what? I'm too lazy to do that, it's got 50 freaking questions. Hah! The first time you saw a post start with "Tagged by...." but not actually having anything to do with a tag. Anyway, exams! EGAD! Yesterday, History, and I must say it wasn't as tough as I expected. Well, only because after Pn. Margaret said it was going to be really hard I thought I was going to die on the table. Thankfully, I did not, and it was moderately hard. But the important thing is that it's all over now.

Geography, on the other hand, is not. But I'm pretty sure it won't be as mind-blowingly evil. In either case, the end is near. Not the end of the world, the end of exams! Which is like, the beginning of a new world, with freedom and stuff. Which is fun. Then I've got PMR next year. But I don't care! Cos' this'll be fun! Weeee! *cough* Anyway, just three more days...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Ridiculous

I've got a sneaking, lurking suspicion that exams might just be playing tricks on my mind. I've studied more for these exams than I can remember studying for a long, long time. It's rather amazing. Of course, me studying for a really long time constitutes to about half the amount of the time most of you are, and probably under a quarter of some freaks I know. But I still think it's messing with me. Case in point, yesterday night, after my first day of exams, I had a most ridiculous dream. It was sort of a cross between Warcraft ( more like Total War actually ) and Burger King. Basically, I was at Burger King ordering a well, burger.

However, at the some time, I was somehow playing some sort of strategy game involving tanks. Here's the trippy part: as parts of my burger were being assembled, I fought them with tanks. So I've got a hundred tanks blasting away at buns, patties, onions and tomatoes. When I ordered fries I fought fries. Something is clearly wrong with this dream. Anyways, the English paper was pretty good ( thank God ) and amazingly, I did have a faint idea of what potpourri was. Yay! So, all the best, and lets hold on to our sanity.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Going On

This'll just be a short compression of the things I have done this past holiday ( or as some of you know it, STUDY-days ), thankfully, not me of course. I strike a wonderful balance between hard work and fun; i.e. little work, lots of fun. Of course, the word 'little' is relative, and that was relative to the super crazy ultra studying book eating machines of my class. Of course, relative to my own desires, the amount I'm studying is incomprehensibly large ( half an hour to one hour a day ). Anyway, a couple of days ago, I went to A&W in an attempt to ruthlessly expliot their free Wi-Fi service for the cost of two root beers. As with all excellent plans, it failed, as the Wi-Fi was down.

Which isn't all bad, given that later I went to the cybercafe ( see that little work, lots of fun thing? ) to play Call of Duty: World at War. Although I'd be lying if I said it was in any amount deep or meaningful, I still like the part when everything exploded ( i.e. all the time ). So yeah. And yesterday was my mom's birthday, which meant going to 1 Utama, where I saw a computer gaming expo/competition, with a professional Counter-Strike team. For those of you who love gaming, it wasn't really as interesting as it seemed ( mainly because I counldn't play ) and for those who don't, it's about as boring as you think it is.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'll Take Yer in a Fight

It's coming... exams! Which means I am really, really bored. For those of you who share my pain ( all of you, unless you actually find studying a fun learning experience, in which case I would like to know what you're on ) I've found a delightfully stabby strategy game in Flash called 1066. It basically involves a lot of stabbing. And thinking. It's a rare creature. Plus, absolutely free. Google it. And for all you SA freakazoids who won't pick up TF2 cus it's not free, then try Battlefield Heroes, which is also free, and doesn't suck. *gasp*

Anyways, with my recent obsession with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and all, I, being a blatant freeloader, have managed to read the first five ( or so ) chapters entirely in the store, all without paying a single cent. Which is fun. What I did pay money for, however, is the movie version. Which is OK so far. But the book, that's something else. You have to read it. Not in the way you have to read a History textbook, but more like the way you read the "HIGH VOLTAGE" sign before you touch wiring. In other words, essential.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm just too freaking lazy to write a post today. So, instead, I'm gonna show a video. Ladies and gentlemen, Wong Jun Kit; brought to you via the magic of YouTube. Enjoy.

Speaks ( screams ) for it self, really.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I've been pretty bored lately, ( with all that exams nonsense and stuff ) so I've been playing a couple of new games, watching a couple of new movies, and reading a couple of books. Ok, one book. Ok, one chapter from one book. Happy? Anyway, I've got Hitman: Blood Money, and all though the cutscenes and voices are all completely messed up, to say this game was about the characters would be a gross lie. It's about changing into a clown outfit, sneaking into a house, and releasing clown-based mayhem. Or something. And I think I'm gonna try playing Half-Life 2 for the third time, but this time I'm man enough to try it on "Normal" instead of "Easy". Cough.

As for movies, I've recently rewatched I AM LEGEND. Ok, it's not all caps, but it looks more dramatic like that. It's like, really good. That and Hellboy II: The Golden Army. It's about a red dude who saves the whatever from the inevitable yada yada. But it has explosions and fighting. Which is fun enough. And on the book section, I read the first chapter of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Borders and now I really, really want to get it. And I read Reader's Digest. Whatever.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Muffled Scream

This "exams" nonsense is getting to my head. I'm less of a happy-go-lucky guy and more of an annoyed "Aaaargh!!!" kinda guy now. To put it subtly. All reassurances from my family that this is fine, and on the grand scheme of things this doesn't freaking matter are quickly dashed by the fact that all of the teachers ( and students, mind you ) seem to be treating this like an end-of-the-world thing. And dare I say, they're doing pretty well. It's driving me nuts. Am I the only one who thinks that we shouldn't really care? And yet I'm the one going mad about it. This isn't made better by the fact that my History teacher expressly stated that the exam was going to be absurdly hard. Oh, joy!

I want Australia. I know I always say this, but the educational system there is the one of the things I miss the most. I mean, is it just me, or is this a tad ridiculous to you? The exams, stress and etcetera are meant to prepare you for the stresses of working life. In other words, they hurt you now, so you won't be surprised when they hurt you later. I'm not saying my life is hell, it's actually relatively ( to the right people ) great. Maybe I'm soft, and not accustomed to your "exams are everything" way of life, but I'm saying that school could be so much better. Cough. Gag. Muffled scream.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Went to 1 Utama with Brandon on Wednesday. Shaun was mean to go too, but it didn't work out. So it was just the two of us. Which was OK, I guess, but then something went wrong with the movie. Long story short, after a series or ridiculous complications, we paid for the ticket, but couldn't watch the movie. Stuff sucks. It was G-Force, by the way, and I've no idea if it was good anyway. In the end, however, the day was salvaged by having a Ms. Coco Frappe at the Chocolate Lounge ( the best drink, ever ) and then playing Company of Heroes at the cybercafe. All in all, pretty fun I guess.

Then on Thursday I went to Aaron's house. After experimenting for a while with the ridiculously violent Prototype, I went on to try out BioShock. It's an amazing game, and even though I had a madly rushed playthrough, it was awesome nonetheless, like reading a really good book but being in the book, and shooting stuff. And Andrew Ryan is my favourite character in a game. Like, ever. Of course none of this will make any sense to you unless you've played BioShock ( which you haven't ) so I suggest you play it, now. It's better than that Sudden Attack crap you're wasting your life with.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Holidays, Again!

Yay, it's the holidays again! And although I must say that holidays are one of my favourite things on this little planet of ours; a moment of respite from the combined forces of stress and tedium that plague our everyday lives, I must say that I can't help but feel that this is the calm before the storm. Or to stretch it even further, the cigarrette before execution by firing squad. Ok, maybe that is a tad exaggerating, but this still is my last holiday before the exams. Although that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. On Friday, I went to Shaun's house, and alhough his computer abruptly exploded, we still managed to have fun playing with his BB gun ( technically it was an airsoft gun, BB guns fire lead pellets that have been known to kill ) by shooting it at the wall with enough force to shatter the pellets. Ouch.

I also fired a capgun for the first time in my life, and it is loud. My left ear was deaf for a couple of minutes. And I've been dying to say this for a long time: "I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning." There. It's out of my system. Anyways, we then went for some mamaking, and tomorrow I shall merrily make my way to 1 Utama with friends. Then I'm going to Aaron's. And I'm going to own Jia Min in Team Fortress 2. I'm gonna like this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Live 2

I've now recently made Live 2: Revenge of Live. If you have no idea what Live 1 was in the first place, then I suggest you completely ignore this article. So far, the only changes I've made to the basic formula ( which I made as well *smug grin* ) are the omission of those scissors-paper-stone duels and a new "realistic mode". What that basically means is that your fate is now entirely in my hands. No matter how good you are at scissors-paper-stone, I can still make you get hit by a car if you don't look left and right when crossing the road. Ha! And realistic mode basically means I'll just make you life a lot harder. And there's also a new focus on cats, peanut butter, and the city of New York. Those of you who don't know what Live is are probably perplexed by now. Or deranged.

Anyway, I'm almost done with Deus Ex. Yay! The story so far has been really, really good and the game itself has been really, really long. But I'll finish it soon. I think. After that will be Team Fortress 2 ( again ) in which I have clocked something like over 200 hours playing, 45 of which as the Spy class. And I'm still not that good. Don't judge me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's getting progressively harder to try and keep up with my "at least six posts a month" goal. I created this blog for two reasons. Firstly, so that I'll have something to do when I'm bored. Amazingly, I'm no longer bored when I'm on the computer. In fact, I now have an overload of awesome games I want to play. Case in point Deus Ex, which, after three ( or more ) weeks, I have still yet to complete. And there's still Team Fortress 2, and although my skills now tend to fluctuate wildly, on the whole it's still a hugely satisfying experience. And Jia Min has it now. Which means I can own him. The next reason was basically so I could read it when I'm older, and then smugly comment on how I'd "moved on since then" and nostalgically read about my highschool misadventures.

Uhh... maybe not. Anyway, my point ( if I do have one at all ) is that I don't want this blog to die. The internet is positively jammed with blogs of people who started a blog because it was "cool" *vomit* at the time, and then abandoned it because they got lazy. And although hardly anyone reads this ( and I don't blame them - I've stuck strictly with a "no pictures at all" rule; thus making this all look like a random mess of words ), I started it, and I'm gonna finish this. Although you can't technically "finish" a blog. Oh and exams are coming. *gulp* Godspeed.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I went to Penang on Saturday, the occasion being my grandfather's funeral. On the way there, we played twenty questions, and I basically hummed every single song that I knew in my head. That killed a good hour and a half. Among the songs included were Yellow, Clocks, Viva la Vida, Stacy's Mom, Ode to Crayola, Ultimate Showdown, Planets Bend Between Us, The Little Things ( Wanted ) and lots, lots more. Stuff like that sticks in my mind. Now you know what's in my head. In my cousins house, we ended up playing World in Conflict ( the campaign anyway ) and I also spent a lot of time reading Reader's Digest. He has hundreds of 'em.

Anyway, met a lot of relatives, including some that I had never, ever seen in my life. A lot of catching up to do. On a lighter note, those of you suffering from chronic boredom may want to download Gravity Bone, a first-person espionage game that's free, is only 20Mb and only takes about 30 or so minutes to complete. Trust me; it's worth it. You may also want to try Death Worm, a game in which you're a giant worm eating those above ground. Soon tanks and planes arrive. Best of all, it gives your score in meat.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Holidays, The Finale

Woot, dramatic title! It's so like, dramatic, man. I mean, finales are so awesome, and in accordance with the laws of awesomeness now, the holidays should have it's most exciting, dramatic moment right about... Now! Hmm... A tad underwhelming. Sigh. In fact, it is my duty to inform you that the holidays ( mine, at least ) end not with a bang, but with a whimper. That whimper being a big, long sigh. But fret not! For the next month there will be shorter school days! Which means I'll actually be home in time to watch The Simpsons. Like, you know, some real learning. Although after that there'll be some awful, awful exams, at least I had some fun.

Anyways, during the second half of the hols, I uhh... went to the park with Shaun, to er run around, but then it rained. Then on Saturday and Sunday Aaron came over and so I basically spent the whole time watching movies ( and Rowan Atkinson stand-up comedy ) and then playing Team Fortress 2 followed by watching videos of The Chaser's War on Everything ( funny ) on YouTube. It's been a fun ten days, but like all good things, whimper or not; it has to come to an end. *sob*

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holidays, Half - Way

Half -way through my holidays. Which is nice. They've been pretty good to me so far, and I've even managed to get my KGT finished. Yes, it's dead! But like zombies, you never know when you're quite finished, so I'll keep a shotgun in my pocket ( somehow ) just in case it needs offing. Anyway, on Monday I went to Shaun's house to basically goof around. And goof around I did. One of the first activities we tried was to take his bear-soft toy thing ( named Bu-Bu, by the way ) and throw it at each other as hard as we could. Headshots were two points. It was amazingly fun, counsidering the simplicity. Next I played Crysis on his astoundingly buffed computer with everything set to High and with 8x AA.

On Wednesday, then, went to Elaine's house with Tze Kwang, Boon Kuan, Claudia, Esther and Jia Min to well, er, do Math work. Exciting, is it not? Anyway, we managed to squeeze some fun out of the whole deal, and later found some time to play an amazingly tiny match of football, followed by some odd penalty shootouts. Oh yeah, and Claudia spent a good two hours designing a house in The Sims 2. Right now, I should be going to school to help clean up, but I've got no transport. Hmm.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Status Report v3.0

Got a couple things to cover here, mainly, my birthday. It was quite fun. Didn't get splashed though, although I can't really say that's a bad thing. Got some gifts, among them being an apple, gummies, a bottle, a Planet Shakers CD, money, some cards and a mobile phone holder for my non-existant mobile phone. The day after my birthday, namely Saturday, was when I went to Yi Fen's party. Woot. We ate pizza, cake, played some games ( I won a PSP game by spamming every single control even though I had never used a PSP before ) went to the park and watched Scary Movie. The first five minutes, anyway.

After that, I spent a solid hour and a half doing my KGT. Oh, KGT. Sigh. Then of course, was my belated birthday dinner! Wee! My sister cooked burritos ( my favourite food in the world, by the way, and I've haven't eaten any since I got back from Australia ) and a chocolate cloud cake with whipped cream. On Sunday, I went ( again with five friends, and again with them all being boys ) to 1 Utama to basically kill time. Watched Aliens in the Attic then played foosball, pool, Counter-Strike and the arcade. Can't really write more now, I've gotta finish up my KGT. Then play Deus Ex. And Medieval II. Yes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today. Do you know what day it is? Why, it's a beautiful Friday, 14th of August! ( technically it'll say 13th August but that's a time-zone error ). More than that, it's also Pakistani independence day! Amazing, you say? There's more! It's also the birthday of Enzo Ferrari, the very founder of Ferrari! You know, the sports car that no one can afford. Oh wait, actually it's his death day. Oh well. And this day in 1969, British troops are sent to Northern Ireland. This day in 2007, the 2007 Kahtaniya bombings kill at least 400 people. I don't even know what that is! What is that!? As you can see, some stuff happened on this day.

Rather more significantly, though ( to me at least ), it's also my birthday! Woot! Happy Birthday to me! Anyways, I'm not really going to do anything today, other than get splashed, I suppose, but tomorrow I'll be going to Yi Fen's birthday party ( yes, I know ) followed by my own "party" on Sunday. Which will very much be a small affair. As in last year, none of the girls are coming. History repeats itself. At least, the annoying parts anyway. So yeah, and happy ( early ) birthday to Yi Fen too!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


"Woot" is now an official word in the English dictionary. Now, if you write it in your essays, teachers can't penalize you. Unless they're grumpy hags. Just so you know. Anyway, eighth August was The Grace Youth Conference. Woot! Ha! Which Brandon did not go to ( rawr ). Anyways, it was great, I took the Starter Kit workshop, then we had lunch ( chicken curry yum ) and then Pastor Henry spoke. Followed by a second workshop ( I took worship, you have three to choose from - or you would have had three to choose from if you went. Yes, you. ) Followed by tea ( which was really dinner - I don't know who eats noodles for tea ). Then there was the Night Rally, which predictably was at noght, where Pastor Daniel Ross spoke. You had to be there. But you weren't ( unless you're Benjamin, Joshua or Rufina ). But you're not. Anyways, to sum it up in one word: woot!

Anyway, we now come to the subject of my birthday. It is on Friday. More importantly though, my birthday party is on Saturday ( by the way, if you read this you're automatically invited ), but even more importantly, that's exactly the same day as Yi Fen's birthday party. This'll be awkward. As Han Jiang ( who apparently is being forced to go to Yi Fen's party ) explained to me on the phone last night, there are three possibilities.
1. We merge our parties in 1U or some restaurant in Aman Suria.
2. Everyone goes to Yi Fen's party and mine is crap.
3. Everyone goes to my party and Yi Fen kills me and I die.
The future seems bleak. A strange discussion awaits.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Deus Ex Machina

My Team Fortress 2 has been taking a back seat for quite a while now ( a while in my terms being 2-3 weeks ) because ArmA, the insane soldier sim, has been chipping away at it. Another game that I have begun to neglect recently is GRID, the super tough racing game I described earlier. Although it's a whopping ten gigabytes, however, I'm not quite sure I'm ready to delete it yet. That, and the fact that I only have an 80GB hard drive, explains why I have only 12GB left. But even ArmA may be eclipsed by a game I've just installed. It's called Deus Ex ( cookie if you know what it means and how to pronounce it ). It's a game where, in the tutorial, I managed to blow both my legs off. Needless to say: best tutorial ever.

Apart from that, on Sunday night, I went to Boon Kuan's house to "discuss" our History play about independence. By "discuss" I mean "play foosball" and by "independence" I mean "for one and a half hours". Which was fun. Although in the end we did complete some work ( I wrote one scene! ), it would've been a disaster, if not for Elaine who took it all back, filled in the holes, typed it all out, and printed it. Basically, did what we were meant to do all along.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I've seen two new movies recently. The first of which is Transformers 2. Although I must say it was pretty fun, towards the end it just turned into a mega-super-crazy explosionathon. I mean, they could've blown up the theater and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Whether that's a good thing, I'll leave for you to decide. Th next movie I watched was Coraline, which you've almost certainly never heard of. It's a complicated, somewhat odd story, so I'll just give you the gist. It's an animation, and it's about a girl who finds a secret door in her house which leads to an alternate version of her life which is the same, only it's much better and everyone has buttons on their eyes. It's hard to tell wether it's a children's movie, because at some parts it's super-crazy psycho-freaky.

Speaking of eyes, after Transformers 2, I got new glasses. My power has gone up quite considerably, from 225-225 to 375-425 in the space of three and a half years. I am quite aware that is not good. But I'll try to make it better. Less computer, more shut-eye... Although as you can see I'm blogging now, but I'll be off, promise. Sorta.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This is a little story I like to call "Me Being an Idiot". It goes something like this. I am in my room. I want to go downstairs. I get up, walk over to the door, and switch off the lights. I then grab the door handle, and pull it open. Straight into my face. I guess I was standing a tad close when I opened it. It's another one of those moments of genius that are sprinkled on my life. My glasses got screwed up pretty bad when they were shoved into my face, and so I spent the next fifteen minutes straightening them out. They're still a little wonky, but until I get my new pair ( Saturday ), this'll have to do. Come to think of it, it's not that bad; if I wasn't wearing my glasses then I would've gotten a black eye or something.

Now on to more tales of idiocy. This time, in ArmA, a shooter-war-etc. game/FPS. Here's how it goes. I have to get my squad in a car. I tell them to follow me, and walk them five hundred meters to get inside. Nothing happens. I realize that one squad member is still five hundred meters away, shouting on the radio that he's lost. Very well, I walk all the way back, tell him to follow me, and walk to the car again. He doesn't move an inch. I walk all the way back to him. I now have two options. a) I can order my squad out of the car and make the entire 800m journey on foot. b) I can shoot him in the face. Since all my squad members ( the alive ones, anyway ) will then be in the car, I can proceed. I choose B. I run back to the car and it starts driving.

Straight into a tree. I end up making the entire 800m journey on foot anyway, one man less. It's these infuriating, ridiculous moments that make me feel like giving up. It's the awesome fun before and after that ensure that I don't.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rally Stuff

Back on the rally, we had a great session of praise and worship, and you could seriously feel the ground shaking from all the jumping and stuff. We were right in front of the stage, so yeah, it was pretty loud. We had a pastor Daniel ( if I'm not mistaken ) speaking ( "BODOH!" ) followed by Pastor Andy after lunch. And speaking of lunch, Tze Kwang ( AKA Goliath ) sure can eat. Yong Teng ( Bob ) and I decided to share a single plate of rice, since we weren't that hungry. Tze Kwang, on the other hand, ate two. And then a Chicken and Cheese Hot Roll. That's like four times as much as us. And he could still jump without throwing up. Brandon ( Primashanti??? ) on the other hand just had a roll, along with Han Jiang ( Malachi ).

By the way, all those names in brackets were Christian names for all those who didn't have one that day ( yes, even Goliath ) except well, Primashanti, which was decidedly random. On other things, when I'm not deleting the alarming amount of spam on my chatbox ( from Jun Yee ), I'm playing ArmA, which although is incredibly fun, has ridiculously bad AI. Like driving over team-mates and parking on their heads. Or flying straight into a cliff. Maybe that's just part of the fun.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Subang Rally

I just went for Subang Rally yesterday. For the uninitiated, it's a Christian Fellowship rally for all the highschools and colleges in the Subang area. Oh yeah, and also DJ. Which is odd, because only seven people out of the four hundred or so were from DJ. I'll say that again; seven. Out of four hundred. It's also safe to say that it blew away all of my expectations, although I must say that I didn't really have any; this is the first rally I've ever been to ( didn't go for the Prayer Rally ).

Although the DJ presence there was unquestionably smaller than it could ( and should have been - c'mon, the entire DJ entourage came in one car ); it's presence was no less felt, as shown by Brandon who, oddly enough proceeded to shake hands with and talk to absolutely everyone he came across. And of course, we tagged along, proceeding to basically scare and confuse the general populace. It was, however, awesome fun, and a little nice introduction can go a long way ( albeit sometimes in the wrong direction ). Oh yeah, and Recess Revolution - gotta get started. Ask me if you don't know.

That was all before the rally itself even started. There's so much to say ( which I will try to follow up in a later post ) but I'm at a cybercafe right now and I really want to get to the shooting things part. Somewhat relating to that, I've got ArmA up and running, at last, and it's about just as good as I thought it'd be ( which is okay, since I thought it would be awesome ). There's also all this other stuff that I want to say, but I fear it will not survive contact with the sneering eyes of the internets. Sigh.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Otherwise Occupied

For the next couple of weeks or so, I'm going to be otherwise occupied, with my cousins, my aunt, my uncle and all going to be staying over at my old house. Which almost invariably means less computer time. Which also means more infrequent posts. Not that you care. Anyway, they're both little girls, they're half-Irish ( which means they've got an Irish accent ) and they're seemingly endlessly energetic. And that also means, since there's only one proper shower in my old house, I have to bathe downstairs. With a bucket. You didn't need to know that.

On a completely different note, I've just finished watching Band of Brothers ( absolutely nothing to do with the Jonas Brothers, and I'm glad for it ) and it's every bit as awesome as I thought it'd be, and then a little bit more ( it does, however, have everything to do with World War II, a subject I find more than a little interesting. Seriously, if our History lessons included it, I could finally use all this useless information for something ). Other than that, nothing much has been happening, except overwhelmingly more of the same. What about you? ( see I asked about you, proving that I am not self-absorbed. *cough* )

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Open Day

Open Day went pretty alright for me. I quite enjoyed the fact that we got to skip KH again today ( we're way behind almost every single class ). And I've just finished 2/3 of my art homework, which means I'm now semi free. And there's CF later. And PJ. So yay. One thing I never quite understood was why people were always so afraid of Open Day. It's not like parents slaughter their children right? Heh. Sitting in line in 2 Keruing because I skipped Kesatria one too many times, I couldn't help but overhear the guy next to me getting grilled by his mother. He had ( as I heard ) had eight absenties for one of his extracurricular activities. His mother then proceeded to beat the hell out of him, verbally. The boy tried to answer but soon realised that saying nothing would probably be the best course of action. I just looked at my feet, pretended I couldn't hear, and thanked God I wasn't in his place.

Band of Brothers, by the way, had been absolutely awesome, just as I predicted. After a while you kinda get used to seeing so much blood everywhere ( World War II, c'mon ) but then you remember that everything that happens in the film happened in real life so yeah, that guy's leg really did get blown off, and that guy really did get his jugular shot out. I'll keep watching though, as it's just too good. One thing that sucks is that World War II isn't included in our History lessons, instead we get stuff like the freaking Klang War. Sigh. Otherwise, I'd probably ace.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Band of Brothers

I've now been spending my nights watching Band of Brothers, a 10-part HBO miniseries focusing on the actions of Easy Company, United States Army, during World War II. No, they're not really brothers. Anyway, I'm of the opinion that it's freaking awesome, as I've always had a thing for war movies, cases in point: Generation Kill, Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down. I recommend all, although the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan is not for the squeamish. Anyways, I've got the DVD boxset, and there are ten episodes, each about an hour plus long. That'll fill a few nights. Not to mention the special features.

Since I've finished Braid it was only a matter of time before something crawled up to take it's place in my cramped schedule. And that is GRID. A racing game, and it's about as far from Need for Speed as you can possibly get. By that I mean it makes sense. It's realistic. And that also means it's absofreakinglutely difficult. I tried normal mode and the best I got was eleventh place. Out of twelve. Even easy aint no cakewalk. It is hardness incarnate. There's even this Le Mans 24 Hour race, which in real life is 24 hours long. Here it's 24 minutes. I got 19th place. Out of 20. The 20th car got totalled. That was easy mode. Sigh.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Time and Place

I've just finished Braid, the aforementioned cross-over between Mario and time-travel. And the ending was... deep. You should play it, and feel the brain strain. I've never used so many parts of my head at once, no, not even when studying for exams. Although technically I did cheat a bit ( c'mon, in a game that hard, a few walkthroughs here and there can't hurt, right? ) but what have technicalities ever done for us, eh? Anyways, the ArmA download, after an amazing 100kb/s start, has fizzled down to a measly 10 or so kb/s. This could take a while. And I've also finished Plants vs Zombies, having defeated the ginourmous robot-zombie mega boss. With melons. Yes.

I've also now got my position in class. Overall I think I did about the same as the beggining of year exam, although the non-C for BM was very welcome. In the end I got a percentage of 85 or 86 or something and a total position of *drumroll* 13th. Shut up, I know you're probably ridiculously smart, but thirteen is a lucky number ( right? ). All in all, I'm pretty happy with my results, and once again, Jia Min, Boon Kuan and I are the top three boys in our class ( although with only 15 boys in our class, that wasn't really tough to pull off. Still, don't ruin my moment. )

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Braid is the name of my latest time-waster. I've been playing it for the last couple of days, and I won't rest until it's completed. I owe it to my brain. Braid is a puzzle game, but much smarter than your average one. In short, it's like Mario with time travel. It's also one of the most difficult games I've ever played. Some puzzles are really, really hard, and I get a headache just thinking about it. But it's awesome. The artwork is beautiful, and the endless soothing tones give a nice, relaxing feeling. Or they would, if some of the puzzles were not so bloody hard. I've spent forty-five minutes on collecting just one item. And many puzzles I'm yet to complete. But the satisfaction of it is immense.

On another, completely unrelated note, I counted like 15 police officers lining the streets on the drive down here, plus one helicopter. Whatever's going on, I hope it's good. On yet another unrelated note, my Team Fortress 2 skills have dipped considerably. You see, I'm beginning to suck. And the more I suck, the less I play. The less I play the more I suck; and so on. Thus, I am now downloading ArmA, the sequel to the ultra-realistic Operation Flashpoint that I loved so much. Godspeed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The holidays have ended, and I've been rudely awakened by a splash of water ( or acid ) and have come to the sobering conclusion that yes, I'm in school. Darn. Ah well. My results have actually been pretty good so far, especially the fact that I didn't get a C for BM ( thank God ).Other than that, nothing much else has happened. We sang a song about mushrooms, played a game about farming ( and burning ), and stoned quite a bit. Not the apocalypse I was fearing, but as always, I can't wait for the holidays. I never can.

Next up is Sports day. Most of you will be in a Practice thingy ( I don't really know ) as I speak ( or write ). But to me, that simply means a free day today. Awesome. And I'm not going for Sports Day. I don't like marching. I don't know why I even tried. Although now, I can beat Jia Min in a one on one race. HA! And I just got this game called Braid, sorta like Mario with time travel; which I'll be getting to right... about.... now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Of Baking, Eating, Falling and Exploding

Whoa did so much stuff in the past couple of days. This is fun. Lets start with Tuesday, or Baking Day. We decided to go to Tze Kwangs house to bake a cake and some choco-balls ( Nanahoj ) for Johanan's birthday party the following day. It went great. Or at least, would've if I wasn't there. It seems my fears about baking were well founded. We started by making those choco-balls and almost immediately we realised we had burnt the chocolate. After an attempt to save it by drowning it with a large amount of milk, Tze Kwang abruptly realised that he had left out two major ingredients. Thus Brandon and Han Jiang ran all the way to Atria, and panic ensued.

Then, Alycia came, and by that time we were "done" with the choco-ball batter, so she started work on the cake. I decided to help. Which is exactly when I screwed up. Suffice it to say, I attempted to crack an egg into the mixing bowl ( which I have done before, mind you ), and it well, *ahem* exploded onto the table. Needless to say, I never touched anything again, instead preferring to back away and watch from a distance. Maybe that was for the best. Maybe, just maybe, it was the egg's fault. Shut up.

Next came the surprise party. Started at eight the next morning, which meant I was suitably lethargic by the time I got there. The moment I did, anyway, Alycia, being the wonderful, confidentiality-respecting person that she is, immediately proceeded to tell everyone about my awesome baking skills. And then she posted it on her blog. The party went pretty great, except for when, against my better judgement, I decided to eat one of my chocolate balls ( which are, by the way, infused with a less-than-healthy amount of sugar; Tze Kwang went a bit overboard ). I had a stomach ache for the remainder of the day. Not to say that noone liked it though, I know some people got high from the sugary overdose.

Then on Thursday, I went to Genting, the first time I went in the past five years. Where do I start? I know, I'll start with breakfast. For breakfast, we went to a local coffee house where there was a gas fire which looked pretty cool. Good thing we didn't all die. Next up, after the one-and-a-half hour drive to Genting, the first ride that I decided to go on was the Space Shot. Possibly not the wisest of choices, but it was stupidly fun all the same, with me laughing the entire time. I also, among other things, went on the Go-Karts, Flying Dragon, Cyclone and the Mine Train. By an amazing coincidence, I also met Amanda there, who had apparently gone with her family on the exact same day.

This is starting to become a really long post. So I'll finish it soon. On Friday, Shaun, Brandon and I went to the cybercafe ( no holiday is complete without one ) and spent a good four hours playing Call of Duty 4. All in all, it's been a great week, with hopefully more to come even when school starts. But I don't want to think about that. I'm in my happy place. Holidays forever!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I'm going baking. At Tze Kwangs house. We shall bake a cake, followed by rum balls ( without the rum, I'm told ) and they shall be used for human consumption. And I shall be helping them. Oh dear. Wish me luck, I'll need it. Then tomorrow I'll be going for a party to eat said cake ( I hope the person the party is for doesn't read this ) and then on the day after that I'm going to Genting with family. All my hopes are that it'll be freaking awesome. Then there's a chance on the day after that I'll be coing to a cybercafe with Shaun and Brandon. Weee.

On another, more ominous note; I've installed ( with the help of Shaun ) Frozen Throne on my computer. I hope I'll play Gem Tower Defense more than DotA; as I have already given Shaun permission to kill me, should I become obsessed with it. It's a strange state of affairs, as soon as I start playing DotA, Shaun stops ( as I've told him to do for the past two years ). While we're still on the subject of things you can do to waste your time, I'd like to recommend Hedgehog Launch, a game about using catapults and rockets to launch a hedgehog into space. Seriously. Google it, it's free.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


As you may have noticed, I'm trying to keep the number of posts I make in a month at a minimum of six. This is getting progressively harder to maintain, as I actually start doing stuff. This is the first time I've posted in a week, and it seems fitting to tell you how the holidays are going. In one word; well. In two words; quite well. So here's a basic list of how things went down - Monday, Shaun came over, played computer games a lot; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - in Penang with my cousin played computer games a lot. Friday - stayed at home doing nothing; Saturday and Sunday - went to Aaron's house, played more computer games.

I think I should take it easy on the games side of things; although considering the fact that I'm on a computer right now, that might be hard to maintain. And another thing - I played DotA for the first time. This is the point that many of you may have expected me to have found the Holy Grail of computer games, and to subsequently bow down before its awesomeness; thus throwing away any sense of dignity I once had. But I won't. Because it's not awesome. It's okay. What is awesome ( in a sad way ), is how many people readily throw their lives away to play more and more of this sadly addictive game.

But I'm not addicted. Honest. In fact, I think I better stop playing while I still suck; God forbid I actually become good at it and then become addicted. What is pretty awesome though, is Gem Tower Defense. If you haven't played it, you should, and very likely could considering you already have a 100% chance ( if you're a boy, anyway ) of owning Warcraft III; and playing it excessively every day. Maybe I'm being a bit stereotypical. Oh well, get used to it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

There's stuff that happened, went to 1 Utama yesterday with Shaun and Jun Yee and basically wasted a heck of a lot of time ( c'mon, it's the holidays ) playing Counter-Strike, foosball, pool, eating at Subway, Burger King, and yelling at each other. Good times. Should try it again. Next up is I'm going to Penang tomorrow. Not really something that I really ever wanted to do ( I personally think that 5 hour bus rides are just about the most boring thing in existence ) but at least my cousin there has two computers, and I forsee a heck of a lot more time-wasting. I do that quite often.

Later, Shaun's coming to my house. Woots. Gonna do stuff I guess. And there's more too. Aaron's house during the weekend, footsall one of these days with Boon Kuan, a PA outing on another as-of-yet undisclosed date, and someone's secret birthday party surprise thingy. I suppose it's tecnically not secret if I mention it here, but noone reads this stuff anyway; as you can see, I'm writing with the consistency and elegant literary flow of a drunkard. Well I'm not drunk. Drunk with power maybe. By power I mean freedom. By freedom I mean wasting time. I bid you good day!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's All Over

It's all freaking over. It's finally gone. The exams, my friend, have come to a glorious end, paving the way for our unrestricted freedom, freedom so incredibly sweet I may go completely insane ( not that I wasn't already insane before ). Still, it shall be pure awesomeness, pure, unadulterated fun. Hmm. Actually that was all just a lie. Exams never end. It goes in a vicious cycle of exams - studies - exams - studies, etc. and when school is finally over ( I don't just mean holidays, I mean everything ) then the cycle still aint much different - work - project - work - project - paycheck - enduring yelling from boss.

But that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy the fun moments of this vicious cycle. Few they may be, but that's just ever more the reason to enjoy them that much more. So here, before me, are two weeks. And I shall do everything in my power to ensure that their concentrated awesomeness will be enough to last me all the way until the end-of-year exam. Failure will result in insanity. Well, at least more insanity. Anyways, if you're looking to kill time, two things I might suggest; the first, a game called Plants Vs Zombies.

In which you lay out an elaborate garden in order to halt a groaning, brain-hungry zombie horde. Yes. The second is a quite frankly awesome video based on a quite frankly awesome game, Team Fortress 2. It's sad that noone else in this school will pay for their games and thus I have practically noone that I know to play against. But whatever, watch this video and have a ridiculously happy holidays - you'll need it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This will be my only post from the middle of the exams. In case you haven't noticed, I've now started to post once every five days, which makes me wonder if anyone of you can ( or even want to ) read this, considering the odd timing. And on the subject of that, I've got my 888th page view. Is that lucky or something? Anyways, as for how the exams are going right now, they're alright. They've not been particularly good ( or bad ), but I think the definitive statement of wether they are will only come on results day, a day which is ( thankfully ) after our glorious two-week holiday.

Which brings me to the subject of what I'm most looking forward to right now. It's so close I can smell it, like, say, chocolate cake. But it's divided by a chasm of pain, frustration and ridiculous amounts of annoyingness. But it will be the greatest chocolate cake I've had in ages, and for that it'll be worth it. Almost. As for my computer schedule, the exams haven't really changed that much, at all. The only time when I really use the computer less is during the holidays, on account of the large amount of time I'll spend in the new house. So, to sum it all up, exams are OK, holidays are great, I still use the computer and I'm really bored now. Adios.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's That Thing?

There's that thing you know, that's coming up - oh yeah, exams. Which is like, tomorrow. Although I must say that I'd rather spend my time thinking about what to do during the holidays than worrying like a madman ( which I have, mind you ). First off, probably going to 1 Utama some day with Jun Yee. Secondly, I'll try to arrange something with Shaun in the cybercafe, and hopefully Jezzey won't make an uninvited visit. I might also be going to Penang, but in all actuality I don't really want to. Beyond that, I don't really have any plans, save for the usual routine.

And that usual routine goes something like this: wake up, watch TV, brush teeth ( a tad late, I know ), eat lunch, watch more TV, if I'm in my old house then go online, then eat dinner ( see the progress? ), followed by uhmm - TV, then reading a newspaper or magazine or pamphlet or something followed by sleep. Rinse and repeat. I've gotta find stuff to do. Possibly a footsal match in there somewhere, or a trip to outer space. Or maybe Spain. I've always been fond of Paris, I just need the money; anyone interested in funding me, call 03-61575814. Now!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I want a stressball. You know those rubbery yellow balls that you squeeze like a madman until you're not stressed anymore? Yeah. Squeezing other stuff just isn't that satisfying. Squeezing books is boring. Squeezing rocks just hurts. Squeezing scissors really hurts. But really, it's the cause of all this stress that's really ticking me off - exams. Well, duh. The insane thing is that, I never used to a damn about stuff like this. Now I'm turning into a stressball, slowly accumulating stress and going insane. I did study though. A bit. But here I am blogging, so that should tell you plenty.

Ah, yesterday. Yesterday was fun. Six free periods were good. The first three were a tad anticlimactic, but the last three ( KH period ) were freaking awesome. Since it was only the boys, we decided to spend the time playing a game, which we did for almost one and a half hours. I won't go into details, but suffice to say it was astonishingly stupid and incredibly fun at the same time. If you want to know, ask Kylthur. Well, as for the exams, I guess all I have to say is all the best. So yeah, all the best, just think happy thoughts.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The World

The world is a funny place, seemingly forever hurtling towards its doom. Back in the middle ages, it was Black Death, then Spanish Flu and nuclear annihilation. But now comes the glorious mess up that is global warming. And like all poetic, tragic stories, we have no one to blame but mankind itself. Life's like that. Today, we have a name for record-breaking heat waves. It's called "summer". And in Malaysia, summer seems to have mercilessly stamped on any other season we might have had, and then spat on it in disgust. Suffice it to say, its hot here. And it isn't getting cooler any time soon.

But instead of telling you ways to stop global warming ( recycle crap, use less electricity, stop setting fire to things - you get the gist ), I'm going to tell you about what you should do, should you face a warm apocalypse. Sorta. First off, because of the insanely hot weather, going out will be a definite no. Try making yourself comfortable at home, possibly watch a couple of YouTube videos, Escape from City 17 and Half-Life: Full Life Consequences come to mind. If it gets hotter, prepare to loot stores for food ( or mobile phones and iPods ) when crops ultimately fail. Then, be prepared to eat your neighbours. You may want to practice now.

Eventually, try hijacking a submarine and prepare to spend the remainder of your life underwater, free from the sun's harmful rays. Remember, fishing from inside a submarine is not recommended. Flinging yourself into space may also work, although entertainment in Earth's orbit may be an issue. Try bringing a wireless laptop and hope there's Wi-Fi in space. Lastly, forget everything I just said, and you should be fine. While we're on the subject of doom, there's also the "economy". Because of the "economy" people seem to be losing money in the "sock exchange" or something. Everything about the "economy" seems to be bad, wonder which jerk invented it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Odd Things

Some odd things have been going on lately. First of which is the fact that my garbage hasn't been picked up in eleven freaking days. It's freaking ridiculous. Now, we have to cart down trash from my new house to my old house to get it picked up there. Yes, we're ferrying crap in our car. But I mean seriously, why won't they pick up the bloody rubbish? I can't possibly imagine how they would have something better to do, considering that is their job. Oh yeah, and it reeks. I'm not going out. For a long time.

Next, went to Boon Kuan's to play footsal on Labour Day ( no idea what that means ) and it was pretty darn fun, considering that was the first time I'd played footsal in years. Also, as evidenced by his fashionable new sling and inability to write, Jia Min ( who was the goalie ) got slammed in the hand by an ( apparently ) very fast ball. He then proceeded to spend the rest of the match crouching in the corner. He now has to write with his left hand ( I told him not to write anything at all, but he insists ) with suitably hilarious results. Bless.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

21 Minutes to Midnight

It is, as said in the title, 21 minutes to midnight. Sorta. If a minute is a day, and midnight is.... the exams! Argh. And exams, as ( most of us ) know, means studying, which to me means "sigh"; also because for once I've actually started studying three weeks before the exam, which, to anyone who knows me well, is an unprecedented feat. But lest ye think that my entire world revolves around exams like a hypnotized moth around a flame, the main reason for this doomsday-like countdown is the holiday that shall follow. Which, like most holidays, should be freaking awesome. Yay.

Another thing is that I had a really weird dream recently. I dreamed that I fell asleep, and in that sleep I had another dream. Upon waking up from that dream ( still in my dream, by the way ), I commented on how weird that dream was. I then woke up ( for real, this time ) and felt utterly perplexed. If you have no idea at all what that was about, than that makes two of us. Somehow. Here's to hoping for better dreams in the future, hopefully involving Chocolate World or something like that.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Much to Do

I haven't been posting all to often recently, but mainly for good reason. I've got a lot to do, necessary or otherwise, that seems to make my time spent blogging obsolete. For one thing, I've just realized that I have a lot of games. Firstly, just got Medieval II with Boon Kuan ( which is just as awesome as Rome - which I still have ) then, I've decided to replay the Half-Life 2 series along with its episodes ( which is about 20 hours long ). Lastly, if I stop playing Team Fortress 2 for an extended period of time, the little mastery I've managed to gain will fade away.

I haven't even mentioned the five or so games that I've currently stopped playing for want of time. Oh yeah, and I'm borrowing Armed Assault later. But all that pales in comparison ( sorta ) to the enormous pile of crap that is going to be unceremoniously dumped on top - the exams. Grr. Three weeks to go. Then.... holidays! Woots. Uhmm yeah. Maybe I'm being a tad overdramatic. I'm not gonna stop gaming for studying; pfft, I'll merely do both at the same time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Don't Like Where This is Going

I've only about an hour or so till I have to get off ( and I want to spend a good chunk of it replaying Half-Life 2 ) so I'm gonna make this quick. First, if I'm not mistaken, I'm currently one month and one day away from the mid-year exams. Which means.... Well, it means I'm on the express to Happyland. By express, I mean falling into, and by Happyland, I mean a great abyss. An abyss of... learning! Wooo I'm so bored. Yeah, anyway, because of my less-than-satisfactory BM results during my previous exam, I'm going to have to study for an entire month, which is about one month longer than I wanted to.

Next up, later I'm going to Atria to pick up a copy of Medieval II: Total War ( co-funded by Boon Kuan ) and I'm pretty sure it's going to be pure, concentrated awesome. Mmm, awesome. After that, going with Shaun and Jun Yee to 1 Utama. One thing though, for the first time, I don't feel like I need to blog, I'm perfectly content spending my time playing TF2, surfing the net, or using MSN. I'm no longer bored out of my mind. Thus, my postings here will continue becoming more and more infrequent, short and lazy. Such is life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Yep, that's a song. Okay you don't know that song, cos it's real old. But whatever. Let me just clear a few things up. School on Saturday managed to reach brave new heights of sucking. Really brave new heights. It's about an hour shorter than regular school, but it somehow manages to cram all the boredom and frustration of a regular day ( and then some ) into a smaller time-frame. It's not shorter at all, merely concentrated. Yeah so, as a prelude to Easter, not good.

Then Easter itself almost completely made up for all of that. Because of ( dun dun dun ) Elaine's party - woots. It was fun. Yay. First, went to Boon Kuan's house where he was playing *cough* Rome: Total War and then went down to mess around with his Xbox 360, playing Halo 3 ( which was a bit weird ) and Gears of War 2 ( oh yeah chainsaws ). After that, drove me to Elaine's house, where we waited around for about an hour before she arrived home from tuition.

Then we did all sorts of stuff. So much, that I can't really remember which came first, so I'll say them in a random order: we played cards, had Domino's pizza along with KFC for lunch, had a very starnge game of sharades, played Taboo, stared at fish in the fish pond, drank a lot of coke, had a cake ( which tasted like pure, concentrated awesome ), then dropped a piece of cake in my Coke ( which did not taste like pure, concentrated awesome ).

Following that was a game of hide-and-seek ( seriously ) and in a house that big, it wan't very tough. Still managed to be real fun though, considering some of the places that people "hid" in. The next thing I can remember was at around 7.30 we turned of all the lights and told ghost stories. We even made a little camp fire out of mobile phones. They weren't very scary, although the fact that it was dark and the air-cons in the house are almost perpetually turned on, it seemed like they were. All in all, a good day, and one that I'm likely to remember for a while; unlike Saturday, which my mind will spend it's entire life trying to surpress.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hello. It is I, the same dude who wrote everything else in this blog. But I'm considerably more bored. There isn't much that I really need to talk about. Nothing really happened in my immediate vicinity which I can say was truly out of the ordinary except for the fact that we're having school on Saturday this week ( again ); and that's not really something I find worth celebrating. At least we're having the CF afternoon session drama today, which, to tell you the truth, I have no idea regarding what it's about.

Oh yeah, there's been another thing. Rome: Total War. First played it couple years back, completely consumed my life. The need to continually shift, react, conquer and perhaps massacre a settlement for the fun of it, drove me to take it more seriously than life itself. School time was no more, consumed by endless pondering of what should be done when I get home, which cities to conquer; which to defend. Fast forward a couple of years, and I've decided to play it again, and it's as mind-bendingly awesome as before.

With one important difference. I lent it to Boon Kuan, at his request, and it's eaten his life too. Now, instead of me sitting alone talking crap to myself about what I should do when I get the chance to play; now, it's both of us talking crap to each other. And yeah, it's awesome. We've even made our own little paper game which we play almost every second of school, and naturally, Jia Min always loses. Maybe life isn't so boring.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Had a blackout couple days ago. Not fun. At all. It was like Earth Hour, but even darker, because the whole neighbourhood was out, and about five times longer. And hotter, because of the insane lack of a fan. Anyways, we had a weird candle light dinner ( which wasn't very fun either ) and I spent a good hour-and-a-half stoning. Yep, my exciting life. At least well, I wasn't there the whole time ( it started at 4.30, only got back at 7.20 ) and it ended before I had to go to sleep ( sleeping in that heat would've drove me insane ).

Next, had a group discussion on our English Oral test at Claudia's house yesterday. Fun. Not exactly very productive, but fun. We spent three hours mostly goofing off. Those three hours were meant to discuss a ten minute play. And after those three hours, I stayed back another 40 minutes. And we're still not done. Oh, the sweet smell of progress. Add to that the fact that one of our group members didn't come ( one that can scream very well, and for once that's not Boon Kuan ) then this whole thing just reeks of another visit to someone's house. But that's all right. Cos' it's fun.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hour of Earth

Yes, it is called Earth Hour but everything sounds more dramatic when it's "..... of .....". Case in point: root beer. Now, beer of root WaHa! I'll never go back to plain old boot reer ugh, root beer again. Anyways, back to the point, Earth Hour, yeah! To describe how it was; in a word: dark. In two words: very dark. In several more words: so dark that my eyes starting to hurt from messaging so I turned on a table light. Okay, okay I caved in, but at least I turned off most lights, right? I mean it's not like they're gonna turn of the lights in surgery rooms. Just sayin'.

Next up, finally got my results for stuff. Turns out I got 12th in class ( out of 44 ) and an 85% average ( it's actually 84.something but shut up ). It also turns out that I'm the highest placed in class to get a "C", that C being for BM, something I will shut up about right now. So yeah, besides the endless projects that I have to wade through and the wall of homework that has to be taken down brick by brick, that's what's been going on 'round here. Exciting, eh?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stuff Sucks

Oh how I hate projects. I always have. Last year's "KGT", the year before that; projects seem to stretch back as far as I can remember. And I'm only 13. What of the future? Shall I become an overworked stressball, condemned to a life of perpetual screaming and/or pulling my hair out? But enough of that, now I focus on what's at hand. And that is: History, the worst of them all, about 25-30 pages of doom, along with "evidence" that you actually did "research". Pfft. Next, Science. The one with the beans and stuff.

Funny story: we need two different sets of beans, so I put both outside. After two oddly uneventful days, one of them got blown away five feet by the wind and landed upside-down in the dirt. And then the beans got eaten by what I can only assume was the giant swarm of ants gathered around them. So then I replanted them, but now one set of beans was two days older than the other. Thus, I took out a third container, and planted more beans in there. And I put it indoors this time. Not taking any chances there. Oh wait, it's not funny, it's just a waste of time.

Next up, Civics. That's actually in a group, so I'm not too worried about that. Same goes for the English oral test which is in groups of 7. We're apparently gonna do a play which is some sort of spoof of random movies and screwed up so badly, people are either going to laugh or cry. Whatever, sorting everything out over the weekend anyway, so I don't really mind. All in all, it's been a stressful few weeks, but nothing that can't be solved by a TF2 marathon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Slept over at Aaron's couple days ago. Had fun, as always. Firstly, his crazy-shit awesome new computer, on which we played Left 4 Dead, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Mirror's Edge and Burnout Paradise repeatedly. Oh yeah, and Boxhead, too. Other than that, also watched several episodes of QI, a game show where you score points for interesting answers to very hard questions, and lose points for being wrong, and at the same time pathetically obvious.

The only thing I did that wasn't computer related was read Watchmen, the comic which everyone says is the best comic ever written so I figured why not. It was pretty good except for the fact that I only had time to read 10 of the 12 chapters which only makes me want to read it more ( downloading the last 2 right now ). I also, apparently was 2 pages away from the beggining of the super awesome finale. Oh well.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yes, Seriously

No, I didn't go for CF camp. In fact, CF camp is on right now, and I'm here, blogging, so that'll tell you plenty. I'll go next year. Don't ask. Whatever. In fact, right now I'm supposed to be at Aaron's house, possibly playing Left 4 Dead or reading what is apparently the greatest comic ever to grace the face of our planet, written by the same author as the one and only V for Vendetta, and that's none other than Watchmen. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what it's about other than that I know that guy with the seemingly unpronounceable name that starts with "R" looks cool.

Another thing, although I didn't end up going for CF camp, I did go to church on Sunday, and, oddly enough, ended up getting prayed for by Katy Perry's mom, who is a pastor, it seems. No, I'm not kidding. Wiki her or whatever. Seriously, I'm not kidding. Tze Kwang did an awesome job of not believing me when I told him, which was nice of him, by the way, so you don't have to. I'm serious. I'm more serious than that serious guy you met that you thought was so serious that the entire room might collapse into an inescapeable black hole of seriousness. Seriously.

I'm seriously serious. Oh well, I didn't think you'd believe me anyway. In other, less exciting news, I finally got the OMGWTFBBQ achievement in Team Fortress 2 whereby you kill an enemy with a taunt. Yes, a taunt. Suffice to say, it wasn't easy. If you want to know what taunting a person to death looks like, you could probably YouTube it. That's basically all for now, good luck with all your diabolical "History" projects.

P.S. Yes, I'm serious.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sad Situation

Yeah, another one of those annoying days. My computer, again, another problem; it's almost as if it has a quota of problems that it has to carelessly throw in my face every month or so - and yes, it only affects games that I play. Oh joy. Hopefully, however, it'll be fixed when I try it again later. The second annoying thing in this annoying day is my results. Just about everything I got was great ( 98% for Geography wee ) except of course, BM.

I doubt any other subject will have such a huge difference between its importance in my exams, and its importance in my life. To put it simply: importance in exams - high. Importance in my life - does it look like I care? I never, ever talk in BM, unless forced to at gunpoint. And you know, I'm thinking of moving to Australia in the distant future, so I never will. Yes, I still love Australia. You truly never know what you've got till it's gone, and I never knew how good school was In Australia till I realized how bad it could be here. Sighs for everyone.

And seriously, stop the freaking spamming Jun Yee/Lucas, seek help, and then never speak of this again. Oh yeah, and I've carefully managed to not tell you my BM marks. But I don't really care. So I got 63%. Ta-da! Now you know. Anyways, according to Tze Kwang ( is that how you spell it ? ), the average in my class was 56% anyway, so shut up.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

For Now

Several things have happened since my last post. For one the exams are over... for now. Didn't think it'd be that easy, eh? Well at least for now, I can relax, although I can't really say I wasn't relaxing before. Oh well, relaxing's always nice. I'm going to be stuck with exams for the next part of the foreseeable decade, so I better make the most of what relaxing time I can get - and it's only going to get more infrequent.

Next, then. I solved a Rubik's Cube. Finally! Although, I did refer to formulas every second, it still feels awfully satisfying, making for a great punch-the-air moment. So yeah. Yay. Next was I had the most chocolaty drink I have ever tasted in history. It's at the Chocolate Lounge and it's called Little Ms. Cocoa if I'm not mistaken. It's insanely rich. So much so that I think drinking an entire cup would make me sick. Considering how much chocolate I consume on a daily basis, that's an achievement unmatched in the history of Man. Weee.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Full Swing

The exams, as ( some ) of you may notice, are currently ongoing. I've rambled about why I hate exams and why exams are grossly ineffective before, so I won't repeat myself. Suffice it to say, I hate exams. But yet today ( Thursday, by the way ) I'm more optimistic than ever. Why? 1: The BM paper is over. I can't exactly say it was good, but it could've gone a lot worse. 2: I'm closer than ever before to the end of the exams, which will be around Friday the sixth of March, 2009 at 5.35 pm UTC/GMT +8 hours. Roughly. 3: The closer I am to the end of the exams, the closer I am to the holidays. Woot!

Plus, the time wizard that I am, I haven't let the scourge of the exams interrupt my Team Fortress 2 time by any noticeable amount. In fact, I'm getting a lot better - the fish is finally sharp ( cookie if anyone even read the post where I talked about that ). And with that, I'll be getting back to back-stabbery, rocket-launching, minigun-spinnin', sentry gunnin', pipe bombin' and all sorts of other "-in" words.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Missing the Good Old Days

I recently gave a ( not half bad ) oral presentation in front of my class about Australia, or more specifically, my four years of experience in the aforementioned country. Anyone who knows me at all will know that I went to Australia ( an awesome country, by the way ). If you don't, then get off my blog you weirdo. Half the time there I talked about the school system in Australia. It really is true that you never know what you've got until it's gone; I hated school ( who doesn't? ) in Australia, and I thought that it was bad until I got back to Malaysia and realized just how bad it could be.

And the answer is: very. Many of you won't know this, some of you will disagree, but that's because you haven't seen the light. You haven't seen how a proper, effective school system that doesn't have students killing themselves ( literally, I've read news articles about it ) over exam results is like. Well I have. And it works, a hell of a lot better than this. It may sound like I'm trying to criticize and point fingers here, and that's because that's exactly what I'm doing. It's hard not to think about Australia when I realize just how much I've left behind.

I almost left behind my entire life, save for my family. My school, my friends, my home, all the places I'd been, and the hopes of all the places I'd wanted to go. Man, this oral test has reminded me of what was, and what could've been. All my friends, most of whom I'm likely never to see again. I'm starting to regret leaving; although I didn't really have a choice. There isn't much I wouldn't give up to go back there, except my computer and my friends. Well, some of them, anyway.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdogs, Love Stories and Exams

Having recently watched Slumdog Millionaire, I feel an inclination to tell you about it. For those of you who don't know, it's a film about an Indian "slumdog" who enters a quiz show, wins 20,000,000 rupees and how events in his extraordinarily appalling life provide the answers for each of the questions. It also was the show that ate the Oscars, winning eight out of the ten Academy Awards which it was nominated for. Which means like, you should watch it. I was actually going to watch Valkyrie that day, but I guess I'll have to save that for later.

Next, I've heard the song Love Story, the song that Shaun has so prominently posted on his blog, five days in a row now. Hmmm. I don't even listen to the radio that much, the only time being when I'm in a car. One thing I fing funny about it though, is that, for those of you who don't know, Romeo and Juliet both commited suicide. One hell of a love story. Just sayin'. Anyway, it's stuck in my head now, and I'll keep bashing it until it flies out.

Lastly are the exams in all their hideous glory. I remember a time ( Australia ) when school wasn't solely about exams, that instead of exams being at the centre, and the studying being there to help with them; the learning was at the centre, and exams were almost non-existent, only ever there to simply test your current mastery of a certain subject. Instead of say, madly forcing you to get a frankly ridiculous string of "A"s ( the average score of any sane exam is meant to be a "C" or a "D" anyway ). Another thing that goes hand-in-hand with the exams is my English oral test, which I have seen a rather large portion of my class do appalingly bad. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spy Extraordinaire

With Mirror's Edge completed, Far Cry 2 too long and drawn out for me to care about it anymore, and Company of Heroes saved for my likely skirmish with Brandon in 1 Utama tomorrow, I have since devoted my entire gaming time to Team Fortress 2, specifically the Spy class. Team Fortress 2 is a class-based multiplayer shooter, of which the most interesting class by far is The Spy. A Spies' main weapon is his butterfly knife, but his true power comes in what he can do. He can momentarily render himself invisible the sneak into the enemy base.

Then, he disguises himself as any class of the opposing team. Then, when an unsuspecting victim walks by, he grabs his knife and shivs him in the back for a one-hit-kill backstab. A good Spy can slip flawlessly between the enemy ranks, backstab their most crucial players, stop an offensive in it's tracks, and cripple the most powerful defense. A Spy like me however, gets set on fire, shot at, exploded, bludgeoned, sniped and even backstabbed by other spies at every turn.

I thought I was doing almost okay, with a near 1:1 kill ratio ( yeah, okay, laugh ) until I saw OMFGNinja's Advanced Spy Tutorial. Search it if you want, that guy must have been born with a knife in his hand. In the real world meanwhile, on the bus, I've been making Shaun and Jezzey laugh to the point of tears two or three days in a row now. I'm gonna try and do it again today, just for fun. I also finally ended up listening to Love Story; a song that Shaun has posted quite clearly on his blog of super emo death.

The problem with love stories though, is that's they're just stories. Just ask every movie star in the world. And then ask Michael Jackson. One last thing, I have an English oral test coming up, and I've no idea what I'm gonna talk abbout, so if you could give me a topic that is politically correct to say in front of a classroom that I happen to have a ridiculously deep understanding of, that would be great.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

For the Sake of It

I'm seriously just posting for the sake of it now. I don't really have anything that I've been burning to share to the world like a piece of butter being spread onto a jaded slice of bread ( or toast, if that's what you're into ). So I'll just make this off the top of my head. The first thing that comes to mind is Valentine's Day, on which we had SCHOOL which makes me want to asplode. I didn't really do much, but Weng Yan gave this rose thingy that opens up and has a bloody ring inside of it, which probably cost a fortune ( maybe thirty bucks ).

I myself didn't do much, I wrote a comic, but considering that I'd normally do that for no reason at all, it's not much. Next thing that comes to mind is that I watched Bee Movie yesterday night. It was OK. Yawn. However, there was one specific song in the soundtrack that I really liked for some reason. If you can figure it out, I'll give you a free cookie ( that is, if you happen to be right next to me at the time, and I also happen to be holding a cookie in my hand ). I also went to Atria after church, along with Brandon, and had Nando's.

Yum. The thing is, though, is that we got a table with three seats and it was only the two of us, so I said to Brandon that if anyone we knew walked by, then we'd invite them to eat with us. Then Shaun came out of nowhere and walked right in front of our table. Seriously. We had some fun, and Brandon had the amazing idea of pouring a ridiculous amount of Nando's Garlic Sauce into his Sprite. Suffice to say, it was the single worst drink I had tasted in years, if not my whole life. Well, that's about all that comes to mind, so 'till next time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge, a game I recently bought for 25 bucks. It's about free-running, or parkour, as some of you may know it, typically running away from bad guys with guns. I've said this all before, but now there's one important difference: it actually works now. Why, I don't know. After crashing five times in a row, it suddenly decided to work without a hitch ( I hope ). Maybe it just gave up when it realized I wasn't going to stop trying. Oh well. But one thing's for sure, it's great. And on top of that, I've been having a string of particularly humiliating defeats in Team Fortress 2, so this is the perfect time-filler.

I'm not going to give up on Team Fortress 2, I'll juts play it after Mirror's Edge, which means I'll continue sharpening with that fish. I'm guessing about 90% of you guys won't understand a single word of what I've just said, so I'll switch the subject. Valentine's Day seems to be upon us, although the mood would be anything but exciting; in fact, each day seems more boring, more monotonous than the last. Oh well. On top of that, as far as I know, Valentine's Day was to commemorate the decapitation of someone, either that or gunning down of a man by gangsters. If so, well, Happy Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

On and On

The grind is officially grindier then ever. I'm at the end of a three day weekend, but that too is being rendered moot by the fact that this Saturday is a school day. Oh, the humanity. On top of that, Mirror's Edge still doesn't work; I've tried reinstalling my graphics drivers, and I still can't for the life of me figure how to fix it, or even why it's not working in the first place. One thing's for sure, if I can't figure out how, then that's 25 bucks down the ever larger drain of doom.

On the bright side however, Team Fortress 2 is better than ever, and that's all I really need anyway. I find myself shunning all the time I used to invest in other games just to squeeze out that one extra minute of Team Fortress 2 game time. Just as well, as I spent 150 bucks on the thing. I am, also slowly but ( hopefully ) ever-so-surely advancing my skills, especially in the Spy area. It's kinda like sharpening a knife by rubbing it against a fish; it's probably going to get the job done eventually, but not in a very timely fashion. Until then, I guess.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I now seem to be in what I can only describe as the aftermath of the holidays. Now you'd think that something that good wouldn't have any bad repercussions, but just as I said that the chocolate bar tastes sweeter than ever after a meal of dirt, so does the dirt tastes crappier, blander and more of a chore to have forced down your throat now that you've once again experienced the joy of tasting true greatness. I am, however, slowly sinking back into the grind, and the holidays will soon be a distant memory, drowned by incessant homework.

Oh well, I can always look forward to the next one. Some things have changed, however. I have never, ever been elected ( as far as I recall - which is hard to determine given how much my mind has decided to suppress ) for any position of any significant importance in any class. But now, it seems, thanks to Jagdev and 15 others ( how'd I get that many enemies? ), I am now the vice president of ICTL class, of all things. Oh well, at least I didn't become the president ( a title held by Elaine, meaning I can just push everything on her ).

And whatever. I also during the holidays had a Call of Duty 4 match with Jezzey ( *twitch* ), Der Cheng ( I think that's how you spell it ), Shaun and Brandon. I got second, but Jezzey cheated his ass off, then denied it, so that doesn't count. Next I also had a Team Fortress 2 marathon with Aaron and Jun Yee ( on the same day, by some freak coincidence ) which was OK, except for the fact that they kept screwing up the chatbox. I also bought Mirror's Edge, a game about free-running, or as some of you may know it, parkour. It hasn't been able to work so far, but I've been told to get new video drivers, which have just finished downloading. Adios.